Sponsorship Opportunities
- 2 tables of 12 guests each in premium location
- Quote from individual or corporate representative in press release
- Full-slide digital ad with priority placement
- Recognition from podium
- Name/Logo on website and all event communications
- 2 tables of 10 guests in preferred location
- Listing in press release
- Full-slide digital ad with priority placement
- Recognition from podium
- Name/logo on website, materials, event communication and program
- 1 table for 10 guests
- Full-slide digital ad
- Name/logo on website, materials, event communication and program
- 1 Table of 8 guests
- Half-size digital ad
- Name/logo on website and program
- Seating for 4 guests
- Quarter-slide digital ad
- Name/logo on website and program
- Seating for 2 guests
- Quarter-slide digital ad
- Name recognition on program